Curriculum Vitae

Professional Career (Affiliation)


Academic Education



Oral Communications


Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, and Events


Professional Career (Affiliation)


Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institution: BioSIM, UCIBIO@REQUIMTE and i4HB, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Project: PTDC/QUI-QFI/31689/2017: RDB-TS: A reaction database for transition state information obtained from quantum chemical calculations (233,024 EUR)
Major Role: Biomolecular simulations; Molecular Dynamics; QM/MM; Software Development; HPC manager; IT manager; MSc. and Ph.D. students tutoring

2021 MAY – 2021 NOV

Position: Scientific and Medical Illustrator and Animator
Institution: Crispr Biotech Engineering and CBEHx, United Kingdom
Major Role: Graphical Design; 3D Design; HTML5 animation; Video Animation

2017 MAR – 2021 APR

Position: Individual Ph.D. Fellowship FCT (Fundação para a Ciências e a Tecnologia)
Institution: BioSIM, UCIBIO@REQUIMTE and i4HB, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Project: SFRH/BD/115396/2016 (64,687.94 EUR) and COVID/BD/151798/2021 (4,938.12 EUR): Computational studies addressed to PLP dependent enzymes(Total: 69,626.06)
Major Role: Biomolecular simulations; Molecular Dynamics Simulations; QM/MM; Molecular Docking; Software Development; HPC manager; IT manager

2016 APR – 2017 FEV

Position: Research Fellowship
Institution: UCIBIO@REQUIMTE – Departamento de Química e Bioquímica da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Project: IF/01310/2013: Computational studies addressed to PLP dependent enzymes
Major Role: Biomolecular simulations; Molecular Dynamics Simulations; QM/MM


2022 – CURRENT

Name: Cutting-edge QM/MM MD implementation for the study of enzymatic mechanisms
Reference: CPCA/A1/422043/2021
Type: Computational Resources
Amount: 100,000 core.hours

Role: Principal Investigator

2022 – CURRENT

Name: Optimization of Validated SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals against the New Emerging Variants
Reference: 2021.09752.CPCA
Type: Computational Resources
Amount: 1,121,280 core.hours

Role: Co-Principal Investigator


Name: Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit
Reference: UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020
Type: Plurianual Funding of the R&D Unit UCIBIO
Amount: 2,469,120.00 EUR + 972,000.00 EUR

Role: Team Researcher


Name: Associate Laboratory i4HB – Institute for Health and Bioeconomy
Reference: LA/P/0140/2020
Type: Plurianual Funding of the R&D Unit i4HB
Amount: 2,151,153.00 EUR

Role: Team Researcher

2021 MAR – 2021 SEP

Name: Application of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Study of Biomolecular Interactions for the Identification of New Drug Candidates
Reference: CPCA/A00/7145/2020
Type: Computational Resources
Amount: 25,000 core-hours

Role: Team Researcher

2021 MAR – 2021 SEP

Name: Application of QM/MM Methods in the Development of Biocatalysts
Reference: CPCA/A00/7140/2020
Type: Computational Resources
Amount: 25,000 core-hours

Role: Team Researcher


Name: RDB-TS: A reaction database for transition state information from quantum chemical calculations
Reference: PTDC/QUI-QFI/31689/2017
Type: Scientific Project
Amount: 233,024 EUR

Role: Contracted Postdoctorate Researcher


2023 OUT 09

Name: Master Laravel 10 for Beginners & Intermediate 2023
Institution: Udemy (online)
Teacher: Piotr Jura
Duration: 54.5 hours
Skills: Laravel, PHP, Livewire, Alpine.js

Academic Education

Ph.D. in Chemistry (Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Modelling)

Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal

Computational studies addressed to PLP-dependent enzymes



MSc. in Biochemistry

Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal

Computational studies addressed to Histidine decarboxylase


19 out of 20

BSc. in Biochemistry

Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal

Candida albicans secreted aspartic proteases expression facilitates murine peritoneal infection in a Treg/IL-10-dependent manner


18 out of 20

High School in Science and technology

Escola Secundária Felismina Alcântara de Mangualde, Portugal


18 out of 20

Elementary School

Escola Básica 2,3 Ana de Castro Osório de Mangualde, Portugal


5 out of 5